Bustling streets with the noise of cars and taxis hooting and the entire trailing road packed with the ever increasing Indian population. The bazaars as loud and colorful as could be. In that hustle and bustle one could savor the delicious aroma of Oriental delicacies floating in the air.
That is just history now. I remember I use to hate the noise and the busy streets and too many people. But now sitting on my windowsill starring at absolutely nothing I miss that captivating vibe. It seems as if life of the entire city is swallowed by that tiny virus.
I was never the party bee type and preferred reading and studying, staying indoors. However college has transformed into a messy second life. After being so much connected on these virtual platforms I am starting to believe my laptop with swallow me inside making me just another of its creatures. My four-walled room keeps echoing silence. I guess I am claustrophobic and so are others then! The term locked down keeps making it harder.
The second week of this lock down, I remember our prime minister asked us to clank utensils and make loads of noise at exactly the same day, same time. Well, of course I thought that was stupid but my opinions changed until exactly 5:00 that day. I heard people clanking plates and clapping and beating metal drums from all directions and I joined them. Well, it’s not me alone. It was a billion other people in desperate desire to leave homes and see real faces. And a thousand others unfortunate ones quarantine. Everyone is alone, restricted but we are on this together. Maybe that was the frequency he wanted us to share.