Ate loads of fried food at the fair
Baked tons of pastries
Completed reading The 48 Laws of Power
Drag myself out of bed at 1:30 pm
Eat all my moms “secret stash” candy
Filled boxes of clothes to give away
Go snorkeling at Catalina Island
Heard the song “At your best” by Aaliyah, everyday
Imagined what my baby nephew was going to look like
Jumped off a cliff (in to water)
Kayaked on the lake
Learned to knit
Met with my friends every weekend.
Nominate myself as the best cook in the family 🙂
Open all the boxes I got from the UPS (I have a minor shopping problem)
Popped popcorn for movie night
Quadruplo in money (stocks 😉 )
Ran every morning
Stayed up late, watching the stars
Texted my friends every day.
United Naala (my dog) with her brother
Volunteered at the Animal shelter
Watched every romance movie on Netflix
X’d 1 thing off my bucket list every week.
Yeeted my backpack into my closet…somewhere
Zested my famous lemon margarine pie
Faline is a high school student, who loves to write. Though it was never explored nor an interest beforehand, she fully discovered the immense wonders of writing in high school. She was more or less a consumer of writing rather than a provider, and loves to read self- help books. But taking a creative writing class has motivated her to write more. She loves sharing writing with others.