September 2023
Issue 31
Dear Readers and Writers:
Our Fall 2023 edition is the largest issue we’ve ever published. When we first started out back in 2015, we published quarterly (March, June, September, December) and then as time passed, added poetry supplements in January, July, and last year in November. All of this was done in response to our steadily increasing submissions, and our attempt to publish more student writing.
Since we’re an online journal we theoretically could just keep making our issues larger and larger: but we’ve got this budget.
From our very first issue, we’ve paid all our published writers, then added student editors, and paid them a stipend as well. Luckily we’ve got great grant support, but it’s not unlimited,— so each one our online editions usually includes close to 30ish pieces of creative work, chosen from the hundreds (!) of submissions we receive.
This time around there was so much ART that was hard to say no to. A couple of good book reviews. Lots of skillfully written stories, great poems, and on point personal essays. We added as much as we could, but still ended up saying no to all kinds of outstanding publishable work.
We always encourage every student author to submit their work widely, to increase their chances of acceptance, and we let them know that if we turn down a submission, chances are it’s because we don’t have the room (budget) for it, and not a reflection on the quality of the work itself.
Our submissions have been closed for a couple of months, but they’ll reopen September 1-December 1, as we welcome back our student writers and editors for another school year.
Thanks for staying with us for eight years! Keep writing and reading, and enjoy the issue.
Molly Hill