My mind is wandering away from me, drifting;
I am detached, mindless and numb.
I am not thinking, speaking, or studying, only staring.
Staring out the window, where the neighbors are swimming.
Parents with towels and kids covered in cake crumbs.
My mind is wandering away from me, drifting.
That’s when the bird comes singing,
Landing on a roof far from wherever he came from.
I am not thinking, speaking, or studying, only staring.
The bird flies from the sun, always shining,
To the point it often becomes bothersome.
My mind was wandering away from me, drifting.
But I focus on the bird, still hopping, singing, and observing.
He’s red and brown, hungry for plump grapes and juicy plums.
I am not thinking, speaking, or studying, only staring.
For a moment, only on him am I focusing.
A bird on a roof in the sun, a sight that makes me dumb.
My mind was wandering away from me, drifting.
And I am not thinking, speaking, or studying, only staring.
Raphaelle Therrien is a high school student passionate about reading, writing, and traveling, experimenting with different forms of writing and storytelling.