Let me guess:
It is two in the morning and you are reading obscure eighteenth century poets under the covers
Wondering if there was a time when someone felt like you.
You’ve always hated the early, early mornings because they make you think of things you’d rather forget,
At least there is so no one around to hear your tears.
Let me guess:
Your friends have started telling you you’d look good in bikinis and you’ve started dreading summer for the first time.
They complain in the locker rooms at lunch but you are the one who pinches fat between your fingers.
I heard you once looked up black magic spells for losing weight,
You know you’re too smart for those fad diets they advertise in magazines.
Let me guess:
You have nightmares where no one is your friend,
The next morning you text everyone you know, it will be forty-seven minutes before anyone replies and by then you will have thrown your phone down the
in your stomach where it belongs.
Let me guess:
You have only ever cut yourself open by accident, but once you trailed a knife along the inside of your wrist.
You burn your toast until it is hard and black and it scrapes up your gums
Citrus juice seeps into the cracks in your skin,
It stings,
That’s the point.
Let me guess:
You tell everyone you are scared of heights but sometimes you find the highest roof you can and look down until you are dizzy.
The truth is,
You’re aren’t scared of heights but you are terrified of falling.
Ellanora Lerner is an eighth grader who loves books and feminism and poetic things like sunsets.She hopes to write a novel that is both chillingly dark as well as enjoyable and direct a gender swapped Broadway revival. She has been previously published in Stone Soup and Teen Ink and her work can be found at sometimesithinkimpoetic.tumblr.com