Issue 27
September 2022
Editor’s Note:
Dear Readers and Writers,
As we watch (and enjoy reading) the many literary magazines that proliferate the internet we want to say thank you — to those who stop by our site to read the latest issue, and to our many (!) contributors who keep our submission queue at flood stage. We know you have a lot of choices for reading and we DO appreciate all of you.
We’re also aware that this is back to school, return to the office, things-might-be-back-to- normal time of the year again. Exciting for sure, but nerve wracking if you aren’t especially feeling like your shiniest, have it all together self. Our Fall issue is showing up just in time, to calm you down or rile you up, depending on which selections you are reading.
We’d also like to leave you with a little Maggie Smith. Her book Keep Moving, has a permanent spot on the editor desk, and well,— there’s this:
Accept that you are
A work in progress,
both a revision and
a draft: you are
better and more
complete than
earlier versions of
yourself, but you
also have work
to do. Be open
to change. Allow
yourself to be
Keep moving
—Maggie Smith
Feeling more like a rough draft than a polished manuscript??
Enjoy the issue!
Molly Hill