“Eyes Are the Window”
This was meant to emulate the feeling of being trapped in your own mind and hiding yourself from the outside. People tend to lock themselves away when faced with adversity, but by doing that, are you escaping the world or being imprisoned by another? The character is turned away from a door that they could easily open— but don’t want to.

This piece is a portrait with the purpose of using looser-than-usual lines and materials I don’t usually work with. It was a bit out of my comfort zone considering it’s much bigger than the art I normally create, along with the use of charcoal, a material I’m not too familiar with.

“The Working Machine”
This was made to encapsulate the feeling of work overload. I added the plug element as a way of showing how people (students, workers, etc.) are expected to work like how electronics are plugged in, and how unnatural and artificial that feels.
Olivia is a sixteen-year-old soon-to-be senior with a love for traditional and illustrative art and writing.