I was eating breakfast on a school morning when my dad shouted for me to look out the window. The clouds were in full fanfare and the sky was this marvelous blue (I did tweak the photo to bring out more of its magnificence, but what you see is pretty much what I saw). It woke me up instantly and I ran to go get my iPad, which I use to take all my photos. This photo was taken at 7:18 AM on a February morning, hence the name. Then, while I was standing outside in my backyard taking photos in my pajamas, my breakfast forgotten, an airplane flew into view, and I knew I had the perfect shot. I love bright blue skies, and this one made my day.
Miranda Sun is sixteen years old and loves to read, write, draw, take cool photographs, and drink lychee bubble tea (although not all at once). She has been nationally recognized by the Scholastic Art & Writing Awards and has had multiple works published in Creative Kids magazine, where she serves as a Senior Contributor.