Girl Dreaming is a digital piece I painted to emulate a collection of sculptures I saw in a museum exhibit. I was inspired by the intricacy of African artifacts and wanted to capture the beautiful intermingling of human history within the natural world. For the backdrop of vines, I utilized deep, earthy tones to mimic the richness of the earth against her skin and the inherent power and lore behind her history.
Olivia Lee is a senior at California School of the Arts – San Gabriel Valley. Her art and writing have been recognized by the Alliance of Young Artists and Writers, Princeton University, and the California Coastal Commission. She has work published, or forthcoming in Canvas Literary Journal, Polyphony Lit, Body Without Organs, Tab, The Journal of Poetry and Poetics, and Apprentice Writer among others. In her spare time, she enjoys watching stationery hauls on YouTube and way too much anime on Crunchyroll.