This image represents the way I pack whenever I go back to my high school campus from Korea. I tend to throw everything that seems personally significant to me into the mix, just like a writer spilling their imagination onto a page. My big travel trunk becomes a canvas and eventually, I start to organize the items as I make sense of my thoughts. I believe that all major turning points in life require a “draft” phase, like previewing a book to grasp its content. The start of your journey may seem disorganized and messy, but from this sense of chaos comes the greatest inspiration of all.
Jaeyeon Kim is a fine artist who works to claim spaces for the public to engage with art without difficulty. Her work often revolves around detailed paintings, installation art, and sculptures, which become a place for social engagement and visual communication.
Standing at the many crossroads of life, my decisions would add up, change my course, and alter the fabric of my being. Go straight, sail smoothly, and travel the more conventional yet ultimately uninspiring path. Step sideways, however, and journey across rugged terrain into unexpected storms and incredibly beautiful clearings. Although risky to a point and laden with obstacles, going the long way round has certainly opened my eyes and shaped me into the type of artist I am today.