I know I can’t afford it right now but damnit, here in the quiet of Italy, under the infinite possibilities of my future paths, having grown paranoid and ever-ponderant of these paths after a renewed reading of the Borges—Oh how deeply I feel this liberating instability and desire to live from a car, an SUV (that beautiful, mythic beast whose secrets are known to all suburban mothers), or dare I say Max Tennyson’s Rus Bucket, which one day I could use to drive my many nieces and nephews around the world, speaking all the languages, eating all the food, playing all the games—Oh how magnificent that seems to me even now, still a teenager trying to decide where I’ll be living come two months’ time and yearning for home but yearning for life, for the world, for the stories I’ll tell my descendants when I no longer have the strength left to live them; how I yearn, how I yearn—so young! so old! so much time! not a minute! (time to get the shit together up and together before I grow up enough to realize it’ll never be together)—Oh how confusing it is to sense the world’s size from the tiny town of Mondovì, and how deep the desire to own bookshelves!
D’Antonio Ballesteros (@danteanantonio) is a musician, writer, and actor based in Brooklyn, NY. He writes plays and poetry, fiction and non-, and is spending quite a bit of time these days researching for a novel. He’s also exploring the worlds of microtonal and electronic music. You can find his work in Progenitor Art and Literary Journal, Blue Marble Review, and New Note Poetry, among others.