Summer Poems/ July 2020
Dear Readers and Writers,
Thank goodness for summer, because how would/will we bear quarantine in February?
There’s a saying that goes something like — what you put your attention and focus on— will grow, which is downright cheerful when it applies to something good, but we seem to be awash in challenging, attention-demanding issues that can make day to day coping difficult.
We’d like to offer our 2020 Summer Poetry Issue as a form of annotation to your daily life.
While this collection of short poems certainly can’t explain what’s happening in our world, these student writers look at the world with a keen sense of observation and astute reflection, and we’re honored to share their work as both antidote and accompaniment to 2020 summer survival.
While these poems are short enough to be read on your phone during a zoom call, or while standing on that large disk six feet away from the next person in the coffee line, they’re long on inspiration, creativity and escapism.
Thanks for reading, and stay motivated*
Molly Hill
*Image of ART on plywood, created in Uptown, Minneapolis after the death of George Floyd.