Before, was Absence:
A drowsed opiate ether,
She defied all dimension
Save expanse.
Then, came Light:
A rabble-rouser,
His tongue lacerated
The night with scalding flame.
Third, was Sound:
A harkening cry,
She spliced silence into waves
From whence melody was born.
Late, came Matter:
A narcissist,
He churned the torrents into seas
And conceived a mirror of his beauty.
Lastly, was Life:
An eternal continuation,
She birthed man and animal
As brothers.
Now, is Existence:
Malleable in the palm
Of any who hold
A pen.
Beth Proctor is a sixteen-year-old poet from Lincolnshire, England. She enjoys writing, baking and learning languages other than her own. Her work has previously been published in the Busta Rhymes anthology.